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家庭教育 selina 3911℃ 0评论

Dear parents,
I am very concerned about some issues in our class. For one thing, most of the students do not complete the homework I assign them. The homework is an important part of the class, and by not consistently completing it their progress is slowed down.

In addition, attendance is another problem. I realize these students are getting older and are quite busy with school and other activities, but by not showing up they are missing major sections of our overall teaching plan. I only get them for two hours a week. Missing one class is not a major issue, but many students miss one or more classes every month.

I care about your child’s education. I take it as a personal and professional responsibility to give them the best English education I can. However, by missing class and not doing homework, I feel they cannot receive the full impact of what I am trying to teach them.

转载请注明:乐课堂 » 致家长的一封信:关于孩子的作业及出勤问题

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