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读报时间:Legislation 立法~Victoria is first state in Australia to legalise euthanasia

杂谈 selina 2963℃ 0评论


VICTORIA has become the first state in Australia to legalize euthanasia. The state’s parliament passed the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill last week after more than 100 hours of debate.

Legalize 使合法

同义词辨析legislation and law: Laws are actually rules and guidelines that are set up by the social institutions to govern behavior. These laws are made by government officials that in some countries are elected by the public to represent their views. In simple terms, laws are basically things that a person can and cannot do. Legislation is another term meaning statutory law. These laws have been enacted by a legislature or the governing body of a country. Legislation can also mean the process of making the law.

euthanasia 安乐死

The state’s parliament 美国国会

From June 2019, terminally ill people in Victoria who are over the age of 18 will be able to request a lethal drug to end their lives. A medical assessment will be required to confirm that they are expected to live for less than six months. If someone’s request is approved, they will have to administer the drug themselves, unless they are physically unable to do so.

terminally ill people 末期疾病的人

teminal means 1: the area or building at astation, airport, or port that is used by passengers leaving orarriving by train, aircraft, orship.  2: leading gradually to death:

The legislation includes 68 safeguards to prevent foul play, such as criminal offences to stop vulnerable people from being coerced into ending their lives.

The move gives Victorians “the compassion and dignity they deserve at the end of their lives”, says Daniel Andrews, the premier of Victoria.

An 18-month period will now kick off to work out the details of implementing the legislation, including the type of drug that will be prescribed.

Other states and territories in Australia will be watching Victoria closely. A similar bill failed to pass the New South Wales parliament by a single vote last month.

Euthanasia or assisted suicide is already legal in several places, including Germany and some US states.


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