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热身操|朗诗 selina 7997℃ 0评论

爱玩是孩子的天性,所以如何能将孩子们自然地带入warm up这个上课前的热身活动,尤其在很多人,很多班,很多家长的集体环境里,老师的这些控场Chants就变得尤为重要的。下面是我在warm-up前常用的Chants!

1. Hello,My name is Selina. I say”Hello”,you sany”Hi”.(change the tone of voice). Now, I say”Hello”,you say”Selina”,OK? (If other teachers stands beside you, we can use this way to introduce them. )

2. WOW! It’s so noisy. Can you help Selina? When i say “listen, listen, listen”, you say “xu,xu,xu” (Action is necessary. We can say it 3 times. The third time can be very quiet.)

3. Warm up time! Now, everybody, let’s count down, 5,4,3,2,1,0

4. Hands up,clap,clap,clap. Hands front,(小朋友可以往后退一退,尽量不要碰到前面的小朋友).Good job. Hands down.

5. Let’s strech ourselves. Please stretch your two hands to the sky. Now let’s strech our knees. Please put your two hands on the floor and do not bend your knees. Countdown,5,4,3,2,1.Stand up


clap clap clap your hand as slowly as you can

clap clap clap your hand as quickly as you can

shake shake shake your hand as slowly as you can

shake shake shake your hand as quickly as you can

roll roll roll your hand as slowly as you can

roll roll roll your hand as quickly as you can

wiggle, wiggle wiggle your finger as slowly as you can

wiggle, wiggle wiggle your finger as quickly as you can

pound pound pound your fists as slowly as you can

pound pound pound your fists as slowly as you can

My hands upon my head I’ll place,

Upon my shoulders, on my face

At my waist and by my side,

And then behind me they will hide

Then I will raise them way up high.

And let my fingers fly, fly, fly,

Then clap clap, clap and 1,2,3,

Just see how quiet they can be

以上这些方法可以单独,也可以组合起来,根据你今天warm up的主题或者时间长短自由控制。其实目的只是让小朋友能更好地学习之后的warm up歌曲和舞蹈的关键词语和动作。

转载请注明:乐课堂 » 如何自然地带入warm-up?

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