也喜欢和儿子做这个游戏,每次讲到Oh, I caught a little bumble bee.
Do and Say:
Here’s the beehive,(一只手握拳)
But where’re the bees?
Inside the hive(另一只手指指拳头里)
Where nobody sees,(摇摇头)
Watch them come out, come out of the hive,(拳头转几圈)
One, two, three, four, five.(数数)—拓展练习:数英文数字,还可以数到ten或twenty。
Oh, I caught a little bumble bee.(两手合掌拍一下,好似抓到了一只蜜蜂)—最高兴的拍掌时刻
I caught a little baby bumble bee,(延续上面最后一个动作,两手合掌)
Won’t my momma be so proud of me.
I caught a little baby bumble bee,
Won’t my momma be so proud of me.
Oh, he bit me.(说出来,两手打开,吃惊地看着手心)